

Unless you've been told otherwise, please call me John. It's not my "real" name, but it's the name I prefer to use while on the internet for my writing hobbies.I have no pronoun preference and I will respond to whatever people choose to give me.I've been actively roleplaying since early 2006 and actively on Twitter for such since 2016, so I'm not new to this by any stretch of the word.circa '91

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Interests and Hobbies

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Timezone is Canadian - Pacific Standard TimeI work full time and I am occasionally a post secondary student so you can expect my time will be sparse at times.I would also like to mention I do suffer from things like depression and anxiety and I have ADHD so sometimes I just don't have replies in me, I might be in a hyper focus on one muse, a particular thread or concept or even a particular person, I might forget and think I had replied or I might just miss or lose something. Twitter doesn't always give me my notifications.Just know it's never personal!

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Multi-Muse and Multi-Fandom, meaning I am in a lot of places with a lot of muses.Please do not interact if you
Stir up drama intentionally
You're racist and/or sexist
You sexualize minors
Support incest, pedophilia and/or zoophilia
Condone animal and/or child abuse even in fiction
Support or partake in victim blaming gaslighting or manipulation of others
Insist that others who write the same muses as you must write them with your headcanons in mind
Cannot let other people write the way they want or get possessive of your writing partner(s)
Cannot understand that sometimes people don't have muse, energy or motivation for replies and/or a life outside of Twitter OR that everyone elses time/day/life does not revolve around you and the replies you may or may not be owed.

Interests and Hobbies

~Devil May Cry
~Resident Evil
~Final Fantasy
~Castlevania - Lords of Shadow series
~Genshin Impact
~Legend of Zelda
~Stardew Valley
~Spirit of the North
~Fairy Tail
~Castlevania - Anime
~Black Clover
~Bungo Stray Dogs
~Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
~Attack on Titan
~Blood and Chocolate
~Dante's Divine Comedy
~the Brothers Grimm
~Eragon series
~Phantom of the Opera
~Fright Night (2011)
~V for Vendetta
~Nightmare Before Christmas
~Silent Hill
~Princess Mononoke
~Spirited Away
~Howl's Moving Castle
~Pacific Rim

Hobbies and Other Enjoyments--
~Art in various mediums
~Tarot reading
~Nature and animals
~Cooking to a degree
~Soap making
~Researching various topics

Triggers and Limits

These are the things I'm not really comfortable writing about so please don't ask me to do these kinds of threads.--1. Mpreg.
I'm really uncomfortable with the idea of mpreg. There are times when it doesn't bother me such as with my ship partners I'm particularly close to, but unless it's something we've talked about, I'd really prefer not to do this. At least not with my own muse.
2. Vore.
This one disturbs me a lot. I will never be comfortable with this idea and the moment I see it happen, I'm out.
3. Any type of "bursting" regarding lewd or torture.
This makes me beyond uncomfortable and I can't even stand reading or watching it. Please don't do this in threads with me.
4. Incest.
No. Just no. Brothers, sisters, father daugher/son, mother son/daughter -- It's just gross and I won't tolerate it.
5. Animal abuse/death.
I know that animals get hurt but I can't handle it. Most specifically with cats. Please please PLEASE, don't do anything that has to do with animals, namely cats, getting hurt or dying.
6. Bringing real life political and/or social issues into roleplay.
BLM, ACAB, human rights, animal rights, gender debates -- all of this stuff is great to discuss and I will support and discuss a great deal of the causes people want to talk about. When I'm on my personal or writer accounts.
I will discuss on my rp accounts off and on as well, but not when it starts to affect my ability to enjoy my hobby.
I don't like bringing these things into my roleplay writing because it makes me very uncomfortable and too often people get hot under the collar and lose sight of what we're actually here in the roleplay sphere for and that is a break from these very serious topics. I don't care if you want to write about them but please, keep them out of my threads. I don't want to write what we already have to live.
That aside, you have no idea whether or not such topics are triggering to others so please keep that in mind.

Animal abuse, specifically of cats, is really the only big trigger I have. I really just can't handle the idea of animals, mainly cats, being hurt so please try not to share anything regarding cats in that regard with me :( Honest to God I can barely handle images of cats that look sad.

There are some things I may write as a 25+ writer that others may find upsetting, triggering, uncomfortable or that they just generally do not agree with.Below is a list of the content you may find in some of my writing that can and will vary by the muses that I write.Please bear in mind that while this is a list of the kind of content I do write, it may not apply to every account I run as it does depend on the muse I write.--There will be Not Safe for Work (NSFW) content on most of my accounts. This includes but is not limited to: lewd/sexual content, violence and gore, blood, foul language and other potentially vulgar content.There may be mentions of demons and/or Gods depending on the muse and the fandom. This can range from things like Christian biblical demons and Lucifer himself to the entities of Asian cultures like Japanese yokai and the like as well as possession or hauntings.You may find dark themes like mentions of abuse, experimentation, torture, mental health components such as depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive compulsive disorder, etc. and there may be mentions of suicide/suicide ideation.

This list may be updated as time goes by and I find other things I may need to add to it when it is deemed appropriate. Please do keep these things in mind when choosing to interact with any of my accounts and know that the content I write is in no way a reflection of me the write.